It is a full-featured project management tool offered by iOSS that is created to streamline workflows, monitor project progress, and promote efficient team collaboration. It empowers businesses to efficiently manage projects and meet deadlines.

What is Project Management Software?

Project Management software is a software to manage the resources of the project to meet the goals within the deadline to ensure successful project completion and project deliverables.

What is DeskLog?

Desklog is our Project Management Software which can be customized as per the client requirements to ensure the successful deliverables of the entire project by analyzing the real-time productivity with the task management and resource management features. In overall it can be used to utilize the resources in a more effective way. Desklog is used for task management, resource management with real-time features.

The task management features of Desklog involves the following steps

Create the task

The tasks of the project are organized and prioritized by the authorized person or TL of the team. Prioritized tasks are assigned to each and every person of the team.

Start the assigned Task

The team members will start the assigned task and update the work status as ongoing or in -progress. The status of the work is monitored by the authorized person with real-time features of Desklog.

After completing stop the assigned task

After completing the assigned task, update the work status

Under Approval for confirmation

Share the link of the task to the authorized person for approval

Finish or Reopen for required changes.

IOSS helps clients to realize their business vision through delivering innovative, high-quality end products.

Benefits of task management feature

  • Enables to organize and prioritize the tasks
  • Active participation and team collaboration
  • Meets the goal within the deadline
  • Improves the overall productivity of the project

Resource management involves the following features

  • Attendance management
  • Report Evaluation and Appraisal

Attendance management

Attendance management feature records the overall working hours of an individual and provides the monthly attendance report with daily login and logout details of the employee

Report Evaluation and Appraisal

This feature allows the superiors to view the reports of their team by analyzing the data obtained with the help of real-time features of Desklog. Evaluate the performance based on the performance graph of an individual. The appraisal is provided based on the evaluation.

Benefits of resource management features

  • Allows to track the real time activity of the resources
  • Real time data recorded for the performance graph
  • Reports can be easily evaluated based on the Performance graph
  • Appraisals provided based on individual performance

Desklog uses Agile Methodology

Agile Methodology?

Agile methodology is a type of software development methodology, where continuous iterations or changes are performed based on the client feedback before completing the implementation phase of the product.

Desklog-Agile Project Management features

Detailed product backlogs

It provides the complete details of end product with the updated details of the incorporated changes.

Simple sprint plan

Each iteration or the change performed is called as a sprint. The executed sprint is shared within the team.

Track the iterations and the changes

This allows to track the changes and the iterations to update the sprint plan and also to report the bugs based on client feedback

Try our Project Management Software- Desklog to plan and schedule the project with task management features, effective utilization of resources by analyzing the real-time activities of the resources. Go ahead with Desklog for successful project completion and to stay profitable with your project.

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